Samurai Asshole

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Visão 282
Salvou 475
Tamanho 310.89 K
Extensão .SWF
Largura 550
Altura 400
Estrelas 4
Your master is dead, and you're out for mindless revenge against everyone! Use the arrow keys to walk, "A" to attack, "S" to jump and "D" to block....

Your master is dead, and you're out for mindless revenge against everyone! Use the arrow keys to walk, "A" to attack, "S" to jump and "D" to block. This game was made in Flash 4, which is why the keyboard input is laggy. Flash 4 didn't allow consistent keyboard input, so I had to fudge it to make the character move as smoothly as possible. I was tempted to fix it, but decided to maintain the crappy integrity of the original. It is also worth noting that Flash 4 didn't support depth swapping, so it was a pain in the butt to make the characters overlap eachother based on their depth on the screen. I don't say this stuff to be boastful, I say it because I want people to appreciate why my old games are so crappy. These were the pinnacle of Flash programming at one point and I need some props! The background art was by Michael Bregman. I did the rest!

Arrow keys to move.
A key to attack.
S key to jump.
D key to block.
Q key to change quality.

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