Jenna Moonlight: Red Moon Destiny Hacked

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Visão 107
Salvou 420
Tamanho 5.65 M
Extensão .SWF
Largura 900
Altura 600
Estrelas 4
It's a year after Jenna Moonlight defeated the Blood Prince. Since then, her love Mobley has died. Logan the Hunter has left her. She is now at a spa...

It's a year after Jenna Moonlight defeated the Blood Prince. Since then, her love Mobley has died. Logan the Hunter has left her. She is now at a spa resort and strange things are happening. In fifty days, the Red Moon will rise. The Blood Pond is back in the form of a monster. What will Jenna do? Will she find true love? Will she defeat the Blood Pond? Or join the dark side and become a Dark Princess-- the most powerful witch vampire to ever exist? You decide.

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