Epic War

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Visão 1344
Salvou 505
Tamanho 5.6 M
Extensão .SWF
Largura 700
Altura 525
Estrelas 3
Epic War game, the massive battlefield strategy game. Epic War is a massive war game that requires a good strategy. Your goal is to destroy the...

Epic War game, the massive battlefield strategy game. Epic War is a massive war game that requires a good strategy. Your goal is to destroy the enemy's castle while fending off waves of brutal monsters. There are 14 different battlefields to fight over, including a tough final battle and 15th map.

Up key Down key to move the crossbow
Left key Right key to move the screen
Space key to cast a special attack
Left mouse button to interact
1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key to Train unit.
5 key 6 key 7 key to Sommon unit.
A key S key D key F key to Fire.
Q key W key E key  to Build unit.

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