Choo Choons

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Visão 17099
Salvou 589
Tamanho 1.98 M
Extensão .SWF
Largura 720
Altura 540
Estrelas 4
Almost every child dreams of own railway, but not everyone has this dream becoming a reality. Thanks to the game Choo Choons you can become the owner...

Almost every child dreams of own railway, but not everyone has this dream becoming a reality. Thanks to the game Choo Choons you can become the owner of a beautiful railway, even if virtual. Running the application Choo Choons, you will have a world that you can build up the way you want it. For this, lakes, forests, buildings and, of course, rails will be at your disposal. Place it all the way you want it and do not forget about trains that should be placed on rails. Each train can be attached to several cars. When everything is ready, you can start all the trains and see how they move along the rails, which will have arrows, turns and dead ends.

Left mouse to interact

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